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February 17, 2009

Dear Sisters and Friends,

This morning a marvelous thought came to me. I was talking to a sister about the grievous state of our economy. I am not fearful about the economy, because I see it as an opening for God to work with people, but that’s a subject for another time. p>

The subject drew my mind to the thought that God is providing us with an opportunity, a unique opportunity as a Ladies’ Circle to focus on our sisters’ original inspiration to work with God’s chosen people, the Native American and support the Divine Commission of The Church which is to take the Gospel to these people. The first aim in our by-laws is: to assist The Church of Jesus Christ in its Missionary work, especially among God’s Covenant People, the Native American and also among the Gentiles.

This unique opportunity is to do more work with the Native Americans and the Church’s outreach to them. Perhaps it is the time for our circles to increase the personal investment in these works, which will benefit God’s covenant people and each of us. I know we all provide funds, but my heart tells me it is time to do more. Many of these Native American works are close to the areas in which we live. Perhaps your circle can do something in your own region that will have a great impact on someone.

Should we be making more layettes? Should we be writing to Native Americans known to our church? Should we be visiting more regularly our Native American branches and missions? I can’t say that I know exactly what God has in mind, but I know that if we begin to pray as a group, God will give us the direction. Because I know this, I solicit your prayers. If you have an idea or an experience as to what more we can do, share it with me via email at

Begin praying today,

Sis. Karen

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